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Jul 01, 4:02AM
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拉撐凌亂的衣物,解開打結的耳機線,分門別類、整理收納,想當個企業董娘,得先懂得幫出差的老公,整理行囊就能看出來這個邏輯思維,這是專為單身富豪,舉行的相親選秀會,前來參加海選的女孩們,不只要賢慧,還要很健康,現場中醫把脈,甚至現場還找來塔羅牌老師,確認這些候選人,身心靈都能符合要求,打著身家上億的鑽石王老五名號,光是在北京現場,前來面試的,就超過500人,其中不乏年薪百萬的執業律師 。
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Jun 30, 12:49PM
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拉撐凌亂的衣物,解開打結的耳機線,分門別類、整理收納,想當個企業「董娘」,得先懂得幫出差的老公整理行囊 。
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Jun 29, 8:00PM
報導╱楊智雯 攝影╱楊明龍
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Jun 21, 8:40PM
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Jun 27, 7:38AM
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Jun 26, 1:23AM
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Jun 21, 8:40PM
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Jun 21, 8:40PM
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Jun 21, 8:40PM
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Jun 21, 8:40PM
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