家具-Herman Miller Airia Desk---經典實木書桌/工作桌
Herman Miller Airia Desk---經典實木書桌/工作桌 ★★古典家具新風格★★ 產品資訊 Airia 書桌組(主桌76Dx142Wx77H)由Kaiju工作室專為HermanMiller設計,經典設計簡約的線條,兼具實用的功能性,桌子的主架構為實心的核桃木(walnut),桌面高級白色美耐板面,桌腳鋁製鑄模纖細造型,主桌前端有3片可調式蓋板。 Elegant DeskSolid walnut frame. Sculptural curves, angles, and edges evoke fine furniture design and balance the high-performance white laminate surface. Elevated secondary surface. Supports small peripherals and keeps the primary surface free of clutter. Stylish legs. Tapered for style, with sculpted detail on the inside of the leg, made of cast aluminum. Smart cable management. The secondary surface has three removable covers with cutouts to easily route, hide, and access cables. Handy center drawer. Includes three removable, cork-lined organizer trays for small items.